Kom in contact
418 Boulevard Lambermontlaan
1030 Brussels
+32 2 702 60 87

- Actief sinds 2004
- 11 - 20 medewerkers
"Success spearheaded by Quality" is the principle upon which we were founded over 60 years ago as a McKinsey spin-off. Quality continues to be our backbone today: this is the magnet which attracts the best and most experienced Executive Search Consultants to our company, where they advise our international clients with expert knowledge and leading-edge processes to deliver best in class candidates. Our focus has always been on top tier management.
Our roots in strategic management consulting are the foundation of our business. We are true consultants, not agents. Our approach combines traditional values with visionary insight into the dynamic and global market development of our clients. With 44 offices in 28 countries and more than 150 consultants worldwide, we maintain a global network with international standards without sacrificing the vital local focus and autonomy of the individual partner. This unique structure fulfills the highest quality requirements in top level Executive Search