Kom in contact
Le Grand & Associates
Kortrijksesteenweg 1146
9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem
(+32) 9 352 02 00

Le Grand & Associates
- Actief sinds 2015
- 11 - 20 medewerkers
As a selection- and recruitment agency, Le Grand & Associates is specialized in the enrollment of high quality professionals.
There is an abundance of Human Capital, however the real challenge lies in the search and selection of just that person that helps you realize the growth and success of your company.
Together with our motived well-experienced consultants and with the correct tools, we gladly take on this challenge. Thanks to our thorough screening process we guarantee the utmost quality. Our candidates are selected meticulously, and only the best will be introduced to your company. This way we are able to create the perfect match.